我们指的是从高中毕业后就进入海外高校攻读本科的学生,这里的海外高校包括美国,英国,加拿大,澳大利亚等英语国家。我们在美国大学网站都会看到这样的信息:”All applicants whose native language is not English but have received their entire undergraduate education in an English-speaking country can be waived the English language proficiency.” 海本学生凭借这一规定可以轻松躲开学校严格的语言要求,这是海本学生享受到最大的一项福利。
比如哥伦比亚大学研究生院规定 “Applicants who have studied for at least two years at a U.S. institution can exempt from TOEFL or IELTS”根据这个说明,只要在申请的时候在美国读书满两年时间,就可以不用提交托福成绩了。但是如果只在美国读了一年,就要参加托福考试了。
像是芝加哥大学在官网中就提到:“Exception - English language requirements are waived for those who meet any one or more of the following conditions: are natives of, and have lived in, the United States for at least 5 years.”申请者只要在美国生活至少五年,就可以免托申请研究生项目。范德堡大学的官网上给出的要求:“Applicants have lived and worked in an English-speaking country for the past two or more years.”申请者在以英语为母语的国家居住或者工作2年及以上就可以免托福。当然,也有一部分学校不予以赦免托福成绩要求。