在雅思考试中,有很多同学都遇到过这样的情况:明明知道要填哪个单词,但是一到下笔拼写,就当场懵住了。特别是在听力考试中,一旦多思考几秒钟,或是犯下了漏写、多写、错写的笔误,那么这道题就没分了…… 雅思官方曾统计出最容易拼错(Frequently misspelt words)的258个单词,里面不乏有because、pizza、university这种常见的词汇,甚至连留学生们最常见的due也没能逃过被拼错的命运…… 不过,简单常见的单词,往往也是最容易被我们忽视而犯错的。今天北京新东方雅思老师就为大家整理了一下这些雅思考试最易错单词,大家可以记在小本本上,千万不要写错!毕竟,在考试中,一个单词就是1分! 雅思中最易拼错的 258个单词 Frequently misspelt words These words are frequently misspelt in IELTS tests. You can use this page as achecklist to make sure you know the correct spellings before you take the exam. A accommodation according account accounting achievement achieving advertisement affect afraid almost although ambulance amount apartment appearance approach aspect attendant attract audience Australia available awareness B beautiful because before beginning believe beneficial benefit bosses broken brought Buddha bullying busy C capable career caring century change choice colleagues committed committee communicate compared comparison competition concentration connected constructive continuously control convenient correct courses culture customs D degree department describe development difference different difficult disappear disappointment discuss diseases dormitory doubled dramatically due E education efficient eliminate endless energetic energy engineer enormous enough environment equal especially exchange existence expatriates experience F facilities faithfully family follow foreigner fourth furthermore future G generally government H happiness harmony healthy holiday hygiene I illustrate imagine immigrant inadvisable increased independence independent individual industry inherit instead intelligence interested interpret K kindergarten kindness knowledge L level libraries literacy luxury M machine manner media medium million money museum N necessary nineties noise noisy non-existent nowadays number nutrition O occasion occasionally occur occurred officer official often oneself opportunity orchestra origin otherwise P party passions pension people percentage period Philippines pizza pollution population possible preferences preferred pressure prevent price problem properly property proportion punctuated R reached recommend relevant religion religious represent resources respect respectively responsibility restaurant reveal revolution rhythm ridiculous S salary scene scholarship sculpture second separate several similar sincere sincerely somebody something special spite stability standard sterling strength struggling succeed success suppressed system T technician technology temperature theoretical therefore thieves throughout tourist travel treatment twelfth twentieth U university V view W weather which women 如何提高单词拼写正确率? 了解了这些易错单词,那我们该如何提高它拼写的正确率呢? 1 背记单词要全面 在背记单词时,我们不要只是一个单词读几遍,而是可以注意以下这几点: 标准音标发音:包括哪个音节是重音等; 词性:如动词(v)或名词(n)等; 例句:以说明词义; 词形变化:动词要标明规则动词or不规则动词,如果是不规则动词,标明过去式和过去分词;或标明其副词或形容词形式;如果是名词,应该注明是可数名词还是不可数名词,以及具体单复数形式; 语域:标明它是属于正式用语还是非正式用语。 2 积累并着重练习易拼错词汇 除了上面那些雅思考生都容易拼错的词汇,我们在平时也可以准备一个笔记本,对自己经常拼写错误的单词进行总结和反思,并在之后的练习中多加注意。 祝大家在考试中都能避免错误,拿到高分!