一室一厅,一个小书房,家具齐全,拎包入住。双人床外加一个queen size气垫床,所以可以两三个人一起合租。走路到1号线,B,C地铁线6分钟,走路去中央公园5分钟,小区生活方便,坏境很好,安全、干净。租期为5月中旬到8月中旬,时间可议,价格可议。欢迎询问或看房:[url=]hanyu725@gmail.com[/url]
I'm traveling from mid May to mid August and looking for someone to take over my lovely apt. It's a one-bedroom apt with a home office located in the heart of the upper west side Manhattan. It's spacious with high ceilings, and fully furnished with a bed and additional queen size air mattress. Lots of bars and restaurants in this nice neighborhood and only 6 min walk to the 1, C and B subway lines, Central Park and riverside park. Msg me if you are or you know someone who's looking for a place. (Low price guaranteed) Thanks!