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发表于 2015-11-30 22:16:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
招聘背景:复旦大学高分子科学系是国内从事高分子科学研究的重要研究机构之一。高分子化学与物理是国家重点学科,建有聚合物分子工程国家重点实验室,正在筹建通用高分子材料高性能化协同创新中心。为促进学科发展,更好服务国家与社会,现诚聘海内外优秀教师。招聘方向:高分子科学相关方向招聘岗位:教授、副教授招聘条件与待遇:本研究领域同龄人中的拔尖人才,在海外知名高校取得博士学位,并有3年以上的海外科研工作经历;或在国内知名高校取得博士学位,并有5年以上的海外科研工作经历;或已在国内科研院校工作,并做出突出成果者。能全职来我校工作。特别优秀的可以放宽部分条件。我们推荐应聘人员申报国家“千人计划”或“青年千人计划”,根据个人具体情况,给予教授或副教授、青年研究员或副研究员等岗位,并提供具有竞争力的研究条件和个人待遇,具体面议。联系方式:请有意者将应聘材料发给彭老师,邮箱penghs@fudan.edu.cn,我们将根据情况安排面谈。其他信息:本招聘广告长期有效。Recruitment of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors in Polymer Science at Fudan University, Shanghai, ChinaThe Department of Macromolecular Science was officially established in 1993 and could be traced back to the Institute of Macromolecules in 1958 at Fudan University. It is one of the oldest academic and research institutes devoted to Polymer Science in China. This department runs a State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymer and State Key Discipline. There are currently 46 faculty members including 2 members of Chinese Academy of Science, 3 Changjiang Chair Professors and 9 Jieqing Funded Professors. For more information about this department, please visit www.polymer.fudan.edu.cn.Essential QualificationsWe are currently seeking faculty candidates on all levels from assistant to full professors in polymer-related fields. We are particularly interested in the following three areas: polymer chemistry, polymer processing, and functional composite materials based on polymers. All applicants must have PhD degrees and strong research records.Positions availableAssistant Professor (2), Associate Professor (3), Professor (2)How to applyApplicants should prepare a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching experience and interests, research summary, and a statement of future research goals. Applicants should arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be submitted on their behalf. The excellent candidates will be further recommended for the National Thousand Talent Plan (or Youth Talent Plan) with very competitive startup funds and salaries. Please send the application materials to Prof. Peng by email of penghs@fudan.edu.cn
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